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About me

I guess the question really is what can I tell you about me that will be interesting enough that you will actually want to read it?

I can tell you all of the basics…I’m a graphic designer and marketer with lots of experience in either, but I’m not sure how much of that you want to know. I thought about putting my resume here, but no. (you can see that at if you’re interested).

Instead, let me tell you a little bit about the work you see on this site and why I put it here.

Back when it all started I thought I was going to be an artist…

…drawing pictures seemed like a good way to spend my life.

As time went by I learned that there a lot of different kinds of artists, and the poor starving kind was what I seemed to be. So I went to school and became a graphic designer and Illustrator (earned degrees in both). But, as is often the case, having started to learn things I wanted to learn more and recently went back to school to learn about the art and science of communication, with a heavy dose of professional writing, I’ve always wanted to hone my skills in that area too. You’ll see examples of all three of those disciplines in my work on the portfolio page of this web site. I’ve done a lot of different things and have tried to make sure that the work on this site shows a wide variety of work. The design samples show work in 4-color that wasn’t constrained by budget, as well as simple 2-color work that had to use less to do more. My Illustration samples cover work I’ve done by hand as well as computer-generated 3D work. And the work under stories shows samples of work that include my own design, illustration, and writing.

As you look through the pages of this site you’ll see that I like to play around with ideas and push the limits when I can get away with it. You’ll see the time I spent living in Asia, and all that reading about Eastern thought, showing through in a few of my illustrations (and the design work if you look close). You’ll see that I spent some time studying the human figure as part of my education. And, that I have had my share of small budgets to work with.

Most of all, you’ll see that I really do enjoy doing all of this.

And, after all of that is said, what I am really doing its telling stories about it all. Every piece that I have done has a little bit of me hiding in it. A bit of my audience listening, and occasionally talking back to me. Some bits of my clients are scattered around in there…along with the intrigue that comes with all of the client relationship.

Hopefully, as time goes by, I am getting better at saying something to someone and making it something they will remember.

That’s really what the work is all about…and what I hope you will see as you look through my portfolio. Enjoy.