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Making Your Audience a Part of Your Story – Part 2: Writers Alchemy

Since the beginning of time, people have looked to those with creative acumen and wondered what the mystical formula was that made them able to take simple ideas and spin them into gold. How can I work the voodoo that they do? How can I use their mystic alchemy to pull my audience into my message and ensure that they are entranced by it? Help make it so they never… Read More »Making Your Audience a Part of Your Story – Part 2: Writers Alchemy

Making Your Audience a Part of Your Story – Part 1: Leprechauns and Other Fantastic Creatures

Let me begin by saying I’m a skeptic, or at least I was until that day. And, before I go any further, I also want to make sure you know that every word of the story you are about to hear is absolutely true, not a word of it has been fabricated for narrative value. I’ll leave it to you to judge the veracity of any subject matter beyond that.… Read More »Making Your Audience a Part of Your Story – Part 1: Leprechauns and Other Fantastic Creatures

It’s the Shape of the Waffles that does it. A masters lesson in audience engagement.

I had planned to spend two days there, but I was ready to leave now. It wasn’t even the end of day one and I was done. There was something missing. And it wasn’t the first time this had happen to me. Don’t get me wrong, the theme park I was sitting in was a nice park. It lived up to all the stories I had heard about it. It… Read More »It’s the Shape of the Waffles that does it. A masters lesson in audience engagement.

The Hatfields and the McCoys, the secret war between emotion and information in your messaging

The Hatfields and the McCoys, Montagues and the Capulets, Captain America vs. Iron Man. History Is full of conflicts that have pitted one faction against the other in an epic battle over who said what to our Neville at the Christmas get-together. But few people talk about the age-old conflict between emotion and information in messaging. And it’s one of the most important elements of any communication, especially a marketing… Read More »The Hatfields and the McCoys, the secret war between emotion and information in your messaging

How Do You Throw Your Pie? Or, how do you know you’re really targeting your Audience?

The other day I was talking with a colleague about their marketing strategy and the subject of targeted marketing came up. What is it? How do I use it? Why target? How is this any different than what I’m already doing? And that was the big question, aren’t I already doing that? So, let’s look at that for a moment, I replied…hoping that the explanation that was forming in my… Read More »How Do You Throw Your Pie? Or, how do you know you’re really targeting your Audience?

Content Marketing and the Single Mother

Content Marketing is a big advertising watchword lately. “Let’s do some Content Marketing!” “Let’s do some Content Marketing!” It can take on a lot of different guises and there are a lot of people out there talking about it right now, but what I have seen people do in the name of content marketing makes me wonder if people really understand how content marketing works. At its core content marketing is really… Read More »Content Marketing and the Single Mother

Shouting to a Room Full of People, Two Questions that can tell you if your marketing works

Imagine if you will a large room filled with several thousand people…I mentioned it was large right? Somewhere in this crowd are one or two hundred voices that have something important to say and they really want to be heard. So, those voices jump up onto their chairs and start shouting to the crowd as loud as they can, all at the same time. Who do you listen to, and… Read More »Shouting to a Room Full of People, Two Questions that can tell you if your marketing works