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How Do You Throw Your Pie? Or, how do you know you’re really targeting your Audience?

The other day I was talking with a colleague about their marketing strategy and the subject of targeted marketing came up. What is it? How do I use it? Why target? How is this any different than what I’m already doing? And that was the big question, aren’t I already doing that? So, let’s look at that for a moment, I replied…hoping that the explanation that was forming in my… Read More »How Do You Throw Your Pie? Or, how do you know you’re really targeting your Audience?

Content Marketing and the Single Mother

Content Marketing is a big advertising watchword lately. “Let’s do some Content Marketing!” “Let’s do some Content Marketing!” It can take on a lot of different guises and there are a lot of people out there talking about it right now, but what I have seen people do in the name of content marketing makes me wonder if people really understand how content marketing works. At its core content marketing is really… Read More »Content Marketing and the Single Mother

Shouting to a Room Full of People, Two Questions that can tell you if your marketing works

Imagine if you will a large room filled with several thousand people…I mentioned it was large right? Somewhere in this crowd are one or two hundred voices that have something important to say and they really want to be heard. So, those voices jump up onto their chairs and start shouting to the crowd as loud as they can, all at the same time. Who do you listen to, and… Read More »Shouting to a Room Full of People, Two Questions that can tell you if your marketing works